Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Bowflex Burn: "Secrets of Skinny People"

Sure, some people are born with naturally thin physiques (ectomorphs) and have an easier time keeping the weight off than most. But even they will gain weight if they consume too much and move too little. So how do those people who achieve and then maintain a healthy weight do it? What are their "secrets?" In this episode of The Burn you will learn how their "secrets" are really "habits," ones that you too can start doing today to achieve your healthiest self.

The Bowflex Burn: "Change Your Mind, Change Your Body"

Most people don't realize how incredibly important their mindset is to achieving their fitness goals. As Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you are right." Our internal monologues dictate what we believe we can and cannot achieve. Learn how to harness the incredible power of the mind in the episode of The Bowflex Burn to help you achieve your loftiest goals. 

The Bowflex Burn: "Workout Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making"

Gym memberships are at an all-time high and more and more and more people are working out at home, yet so few people are achieving their fitness goals (and many are getting hurt.) Why? One of the primary reasons - Workout mistakes. Are you making them, too? In this episode of the Burn you'll learn what they are and how to fix them once-and-for-all. 

The Bowflex Burn: "When Good Workouts Go Bad"

The guy on the treadmill next to you with the unbelievable body odor... Treadmill accidents... Excessive grunting... If you've spent any amount of time in a gym you've experienced at least a few of these - Listen to Tom and Linda discuss their favorite "Good Woekouts Gone Bad" stories from their decades spent  both working in and working out in the gym.

The Bowflex Burn: "Exercise and Age"

Is age really just a number? Is strength training truly the fountain of youth? Are there certain exercises you shouldn't do after age 40, 50 or 60? Get the answers to these questions and much more about exercise and aging on this episode of The Bowflex Burn. 

The Bowflex Burn: "Things That May Surprise You About Losing Weight"

Why do so many people fail to achieve their weight loss goals? They listen to bad information from self-proclaimed "fitness experts, many with little to no formal training or education. In this episode of The Burn Tom & Linda debunk more myths and misconceptions about weight loss.